Plastic Super Mini Ring, Plastic Flat Ring

2020-11-30 05:42:24

Product Description

plastic flat ring also called plastic super mini ring, it's an advanced products of plastic cascade mini ring. In the product design, the plastic super mini ring change the bevel edge of cascade mine ring into flat edge, which can make the structure uniform and improve the bulk density of random packing. Additional, the internal fingers of cascade ring are changed into internal curved rib to increase the packing strength.

The height-diameter ratio of plastic super mini ring is about 0.2–0.4, which has low pressure drop, high flux, excellent treating and mass transfer performance to be used in the water treatment applications.



SizeSurface AreaVoidageBulk NumberDry Packing Factor
25 × 9 × 1.016088%170000287
38 × 13 × 1.214592%460000175
50 × 17 × 1.512893%21500140
76 × 26 × 2.511693%6500112

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